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AI-powered question generator that simplifies and speeds up the process for teachers to create quizzes and formative evaluations. Leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, Conker enables educators to effortlessly produce high-quality, diverse questions, enhancing both teaching efficiency and student assessment. Background Conker is an...

AI-powered question generator that simplifies and speeds up the process for teachers to create quizzes and formative evaluations. Leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, Conker enables educators to effortlessly produce high-quality, diverse questions, enhancing both teaching efficiency and student assessment.


Conker is an AI-powered question generator that makes it simple and quick for teachers to produce quizzes and formative evaluations. Numerous question formats, such as multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and matching, may be produced using it. Conker is accessible to all pupils because it has a read-aloud option as well.

This system provides a few distinct quiz formats to accommodate a range of age groups and academic skill levels. Furthermore, because you may choose the content type by just entering in what you want, it can be used for a wide range of subjects. Anyone with a device and an internet connection may easily access this because it is web-based and doesn’t require a strong connection to get started.


Who should use this tool?

Conker AI Quiz Maker is a tool that teachers may use to make interactive tests and evaluations for their students in schools, colleges, and universities. Based on each student’s success, the platform’s adaptive learning capabilities assist customize the learning process.

Companies may use Conker AI Quiz Maker to generate interesting internal training quizzes for their learning and development teams. The analytics of the platform offer valuable insights into the learning progress and areas for growth of employees.


How this tool is useful?

Conker AI Quiz Maker helps schools and content providers save time by automating the quiz development process. With less human labor, the AI-powered question generating tool rapidly creates pertinent quiz questions based on predetermined subjects or learning objectives.

Based on user replies, the platform’s adaptive learning features allow for customized quiz experiences. Conker AI Quiz Maker offers customized learning routes for every student by dynamically adjusting the quiz’s complexity and order. Learner engagement is increased with interactive quizzes made with Conker AI Quiz Maker. Quizzes are made more engaging and entertaining by adding features like multiple-choice, true/false, and open-ended questions, as well as the ability to receive feedback and see explanations for answers.

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  1. The platform supports various quiz formats, including multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and open-ended questions. This versatility allows quiz creators to design interactive assessments tailored to different learning objectives.
  2. Conker AI Quiz Maker automates the process of generating quiz questions based on specified topics or learning objectives. The AI analyzes content and formulates relevant questions, saving time for quiz creators and ensuring a diverse range of questions.
  3. Conker AI Quiz Maker provides customization choices so that tests can be made to match certain course aesthetics or branding standards. Themes, branding components, and quiz layouts may all be customized by users. For example, creating your own quizzes or customizing already-existing ones to meet the needs of your students and distinguish between learning groups in your class.


Pricing Plans

Free Basic Pro School
This free plan can only access to basic features:


Share 5 quizzes

50 responses

All question types

10 question limits

Up to 1200 words in reading




Share 10 quizzes

100 responses

All question types

10 question limits




Share unlimited quizzes

Unlimited responses

All question types

20 question limits

Up to 5000 words in reading




Everything in Pro tier

Integrate with Canvas

Admin features

 $ Free $3.99 monthly

$39.99 yearly

$5.99 monthly

$59.99 yearly

Request for Quote


*Pricing might change time-to-time, please refer here for updated details :

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How this game is relevant for educationist and teachers

Conker AI enables interactive quizzes and evaluations to be delivered in mixed or remote learning contexts. Even in virtual environments, teachers may utilize the platform to keep an eye on students’ development and sustain their interest. Additionally, this tool’s analytics and insights enable educators to make data-driven decisions about education. Based on quiz performance data, teachers may determine learning trends, evaluate the efficacy of their approaches, and adjust their instructional tactics. Conversely, Conker AI may be used by instructors to measure students’ comprehension and development throughout the course of the learning process through formative assessment. Teachers may find areas for development and areas of strength by using the data provided by the platform to get insights into student performance.




Quiz Maker:

Question well:




Conker AI Quiz Maker, in summary, provides a thorough solution for instructors, trainers, and organizations looking to enhance their assessment and quiz development procedures. Teachers save a great deal of time and money by creating interactive quizzes more quickly because to the platform’s AI-driven features. More significantly, by using adaptive learning paths that are dependent on each student’s performance, this also makes individualized learning experiences possible.

The platform encourages learners to actively participate and get motivated by offering a variety of question styles and instantaneous feedback. Conker AI is appropriate for use in educational settings such as colleges, universities, corporate training initiatives, and online learning platforms because to its scalability and interoperability with current learning management systems. In the end, the platform gives teachers the tools they need to create individualized, successful, and engaging learning experiences for students in a variety of learning environments.